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In a Rhythmic Rotation

A collection of poems for the love of dancing

Like every where is a dance floor

on my command hit the dance floor
get up everybody
dance all night
even if you're dancing on your own
even if you're dancing on the ceiling 
under the moonlight 
dance like this is the last dance 
the last chance for love
just dance 
soothe the mind
lose the body
having the time of your life
you never knew 
you could dance like this
like every place you find yourself 
is a dance floor


Dancers Delight

House at night dancers delight 
Swaying smoothly 
To the beat of the heart 


Under the influence of music

I've learned to dance sober 
And slightly off beat
But really its just my own
I learned to lose myself in motion
To let loose 
The tips of my fingers
The sway of hips
The tap of toes
I learned to dance sober 
Because the music was intoxicating 
Because our laughter was intoxicating 
The room 
The lights
The heat 
I was drunk on happiness 
On you 
And us


High at a party

I started to dance 
And realized you weren't here 
I was high 
lost in body and mind 
wanting us to let our bodies 
but you were lost 
on a different dance floor

High at a party

I started to dance 
And realized you weren't here 
I was high 
lost in body and mind 
wanting us to let our bodies 
but you were lost 
on a different dance floor


With your light so bright

Do you ever look up at the light
not the sun
god no
we are lovers of the night
we are dancers 
we are humans
glowing with disco light
may lasers 
and smoke
guide my mind tonight


Morse Code

Suddenly taps and space
Become less code 
more feeling 
Becomes body language 
Like you can type 
Whole paragraphs
In a second 
Like this is a second language 
More like
This is the first and only
We write manifestos 
We read by disco light 
Until there's just 
A beat 
A space
A body 
queer to time

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